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GRID DOWN: Death of a Nation Report



Grid Down: Death of a Nation, is an eye-opening report on the psychology and physiology of Human Desperation, Starvation, and living in a world Without-Rule-of-Law.  This report was originally created for the U.S. Air Force Electromagnetic Defense Task Force and is referenced in its 2019 report.  


"Grid Down: Death of a Nation" is a resource for emergency planners in the public or private sector who are interested in understanding the societal implications of a long-term grid-down scenario brought on by an EMP attack, a massive CME (solar flare), devastating cyber-attack, or physical attack that could potentially destroy America's electric grid.


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Click on the image below to download the full, 122-page report.

File size: 23.7 mb

Grid Down Cover V5 - Front.png

Disclaimer:  This report is the sole perspective of preparedness expert and best-selling author, Jonathan Hollerman.  The information, perspectives, or ideas contained within do not necessarily represent the perspective of the Electromagnetic Defense Task Force or any other entity that may choose to reference the document.


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